“I wanted to say a BIG THANK-YOU! I have lived in pain from Endometriosis my whole life and with it taking a turn for the worse at the beginning of the year, I found myself going to different doctors who would only prescribe medication that constantly made me sick, vomiting daily and feeling as though it was only blanketing the problem rather than fixing it. I was so happy when a friend suggested seeing Deb and trying a different way. My first appointment, I walked in nervous and did not know what to expect. Within minutes of talking to Deb I knew that I was finally on the right track. This is amazing! I was given information from Deb, that no one knew or brought up with me previously and instead of giving me more medication, I was given all-natural herbs and supplements with a health report and a plan! A few weeks have passed now, and I have honestly noticed a difference, it is incredible. I used to wake up each morning and begin my day vomiting and in so much pain, I would dose up on pain relief and wait to see if I were going to be able to live today or have my head in a bucket – bedridden. I have not been able to work in 4 months and felt as though my life was over because I could not control pain or even leave the house. Now I wake up and have my breakfast and my natural herbs and supplements, I have begun to exercise again and am looking into returning to work, I have also changed my diet thanks to Deb and overall feel much better and the best thing about it - it happened after only one consultation. I can look at my dream of becoming a mother and feel as though I am so much closer. After years of doctors telling me I was infertile but not helping me fix the problem. Deb has worked with other women in my situation who are now pain free and happy with kids. I can only imagine how much better I will be within 6 months. With a positive mind and Debs help, the ball is rolling! I highly recommend Deb. You have changed my life!
Update: Naomi rang me very excited to tell me she is now pregnant. What wonderful news, we both cried tears of joy.